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This is an experience you cannot miss.
Eat delicious food
Get the best health
Be kind to the planet and to animals
Say Hello to the Plant-Powered Playbook
A Beginner's Guide to Plant-Based Living
(Please note: This product is 100% digital and downloadable)

The Plant-Powered Playbook is the premier guide to going plant-based, the smart way… without hiccups, setbacks, costly mistakes, or resistance.
Go behind the scenes with plant-based experts who know all the tips and tricks to see exactly how they’re doing it — so you can do it, too.
Get in-depth insights into nutrition, protein, and how to avoid becoming a junk food vegan who isn’t doing their health any favors.
(This is one of the most critical lessons of all, especially since the boom in plant-based interest has given us more options than ever. But just because something is vegan doesn’t make it good for you. Here’s looking at you, French fries!)

Hi, I’m Ocean Robbins.
Along with my dad and colleague, John Robbins, one of the original rebels who kicked off the plant-based way of life for millions of people, I cofounded the Food Revolution Network to ignite a movement for healthy, sustainable food for all — one that includes a humane life for animals and protecting the environment, too.
After decades of leading the charge to help people discover the exquisite benefits of a plant-based lifestyle, we’re extremely pleased to see its popularity skyrocket.
That’s excellent news.
It means that millions of people are waking up and becoming more conscious of how their daily actions affect the world around them.
It means fewer greenhouse gases pumped into the atmosphere from livestock, a reduction in global warming, and less pollution, erosion, runoff, and wasted water!
It means that millions of animals’ lives will be spared, with fewer animals raised in toxic conditions, force-fed hormones, and antibiotics in a system that’s so wildly inefficient.
And it means entire families are changing their fate by avoiding foods that harm their bodies, raise cholesterol, clog arteries, and cause chronic disease and premature aging.
But we can’t wait.
Every meal counts.
We’d love nothing more than to walk side-by-side with you on one of the most important missions in the history of the planet.

Hi, I’m Nichole,
I’m Food Revolution Network’s Dietitian and Recipe Developer. I can’t wait to show you the ins and outs of going plant-based.
Years ago, my life changed when I learned the truth about dairy factory farms and their impact on animals and the planet. I truly had no idea how the dairy on my plate arrived there. It was one of the biggest eye-opening moments of my life, and it changed my life forever in the very best way.
That night I decided to go 100% plant-based. The dietitian in me needed to research further to make sure this type of diet was sustainable and healthy if I was planning to recommend it to the public. Every day that I researched, I was more and more amazed at all of the evidence showcasing the power of plants for optimal health — from reducing the risk of lifestyle diseases like heart disease and cancer to improving everyday quality of life (better sleep, boosted mood, more energy, and so much more!). I couldn’t believe the amount of research that supported plant-based eating and that I hadn’t been recommending this way of eating for my entire career!
I noticed that my own quality of life improved. In fact, I hadn’t even realized it needed improvement until I went plant-based and found that:
I slept better.
My skin health improved.
My digestion improved.
I had boundless energy.
From that day forward, I made it my mission to share my personal experience in going plant-based and all of the incredible research that supports eating plants for better health… health for humans, the planet, and animal welfare.
Of course, the key isn’t just knowing what to do. It’s doing what you know! And that’s why we are so proud of the Plant-Powered Playbook.
So, will you join us?
It’s going to be so much fun — and so delicious!

I’ve been watching... Food Revolution Network for many years now, and I’m proud of what they’ve accomplished. The more people who hear this message and move toward diets marked by compassion and respect for life and the earth, the better off our world will be.
— Paul McCartney

The more people who join in this revolution, the less heart disease, cancer, and obesity we’ll see.
— Michael Greger, MD
Here’s What Food Revolution Network’s Members Say About Eating Plant-Based Whole Foods
These stories are from people who’ve found success with our programs. Each of them is unique. And so are you! Your results will be specific to you, of course. And no, we never offer compensation for these statements!
I look and feel younger.
I have no more cravings for sweets, meat, or dairy, and I don't think about eating that way any longer. Now I crave Brussels sprouts, blueberries, and smoothies!
I feel so much healthier, happier, and more energetic! I lost 12 pounds, and I look and feel younger. I have more joy, and I know that I can control my health and well-being.
— Donna B.
I lost 24 pounds.
I lost 24 pounds and 40 points in blood pressure. I have a much better outlook on life.
— Eric
I’m off medicines I was told I’d need for life.
My doctor says, ‘You have become a new woman,’ and it’s true! I’ve lost 90 pounds. I’ve gotten off medicines I was told I’d need for the rest of my life. I don’t have to count calories or fear what the scale’s going to tell me.
— Margaret Shannon S.
My husband has joined me in this new way of living, and we both feel happier.
I eat a nutrient-rich diet that’s based on organic vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, and seeds. This has led to a huge boost in energy, clearer thinking, no more aching joints, and an overall healthier feeling!
— Terri C.
My pain disappeared
The constant pain that I had endured for more than 22 months disappeared. You helped me realize that I could heal myself with food and change my life.
— Kari, Madison, WI
I’ve said goodbye to processed vegan foods
I feel as though now I really ‘get it,’ and I'm so excited to embark on a nutrient-dense diet for the rest of my life! I now look forward to filling my belly with veggies, and I’ve said goodbye to the processed vegan foods I was using! I’ve already lost 5 pounds! This has been a tremendous help to me. Thank you, Ocean and John.
— Cheryl
I have tons of energy
My eczema is completely gone. I’m down 28 pounds, and it’s not creeping back. My c-reactive protein is finally below 1, and I’m thrilled by the very low inflammation in my body. I used to suffer from all kinds of aches and pains — and now they’re gone! I have tons of energy and I look and feel way better… It’s so worth it.
— Ingrid, Surrey, BC, Canada
My doctors said they had no idea how to help me…
I was getting sick all the time. As soon as I’d get better, I’d just get sick all over again. My doctors said they had no idea how to help me. That’s when I found your work and was inspired to adopt a whole foods, plant-powered diet. For the past year, I have experienced excellent health.
What’s even more remarkable is that my husband, after seeing my results, has joined me – and that also impacts our young daughter’s health and future.
Thank you for empowering us and changing the trajectory of our lives!
— Marium
I’ve become an overall healthier person
As I was growing into my 60s, I suffered from increasing fatigue and struggled with my weight. But since putting what I’ve been learning into practice, I’ve become a more informed shopper, a gardener, and an overall healthier person — and I’m feeling better and healthier. I’ve lost weight easily. I even feel younger! I’ve also been able to share (with my younger sister and my granddaughter) some of my new habits!
There may be many things that we can’t control, but we can certainly control what we eat, and that can make a world of difference.
— Robin, Eagle, WI
My gut has healed, and my aches and pains have disappeared
I struggled with understanding what was the healthiest diet to help heal ulcerative colitis, which I had been struggling with for 30 years. Since adopting a whole foods, plant-powered diet with (your support), my energy has increased, my gut has healed, and my aches and pains have disappeared. I no longer have any doubts about what to eat and not to eat to keep myself healthy.
It’s such a joy to share delicious plant-based food with family and friends and see their enjoyment, too!
— Nerina, Sydney, Australia
These are just a tiny fraction of the phenomenal wins we’ve seen when people adopt a whole foods, plant-based lifestyle.
What wins will you experience?
How It Works
Get your Plant-Powered Playbook
(Please note: This product is 100% digital and downloadable)
Each of the 15 chapters addresses one of the top problems that plant-based eaters face — and gives you a simple and effective “play” to solve it. You’ll find out exactly how to crush a plant-powered lifestyle.
Watch 5-Minute Video Tutorials
All 15 plays come with a lively video lesson for a quick dive into the wonderful world of plant-based dos… and don’ts. Just click the link or snap a picture with your smartphone to access the videos and get fired up about your easiest path to massive success.
Kitchen Demos with a Top Plant-Based Dietitian
Learn by watching a master nutritionist working her genius in the kitchen! You’ll get insider tips to save time and avoid common cooking mistakes while whipping up your new favorite dishes.
15 Plant-Based Recipes to Enjoy Immediately
The surefire way to start off strong (and stay there!) is with a thick stack of mouthwatering recipes. Best yet, you’ll get the four sauces to rule them all for tasty dishes that come together in minutes.
Lessons and Action Steps Delivered Direct
Plant-Powered Playbook lessons and action steps get emailed to you over the course of 15 days. Within a couple of weeks, you’ll be making new choices and reaping the abundant rewards. Easily and deliciously!
Bonus! Four Sessions with Plant-Based Lifestyle Experts
Experience a true health transformation! Get critical insights from some of the world’s top health experts. If you want to dig deeper, learn more, or get reinspired, you’ll love listening to these four wildly popular and brilliant interviews from the famous Food Revolution Summits.
The 15 Plant-Powered Plays
1. Going Plant-Based: Discover Your Why
Where do we start? At the beginning! So many people skip the most important first steps, and without this foundation, you might run into common pitfalls (and miss out on the incredible energy that’s waiting for you!). Learn from long-time whole-food, plant-based pros, so you fall madly in love with this way of eating.
2. Shift Your Mindset from Restriction to Abundance
The big question: What do I get to eat? We know it’s no fun to feel restricted, so right away, we’ll show you how to pack your plate with a beautiful bounty. You’ll also learn which foods you might be eating now that could be harming your health and how to make the switch to smarter options that are 100% tastebud-approved.
3. Plant-Based Pantry: Stock Up On Healthy Staples
One of the best ways to save time is by knowing how to shop smartly. We’ll show you how to keep your kitchen stocked with foods that are the perfect blend of tasty and healthy — so you never have to sacrifice one for the other. You’ll get a cheat sheet of the must-have kitchen tools, learn to read labels so you don’t get duped, and brilliant tips to keep food from going bad.
4. Where’s the Protein? What to Eat in Place of Meat
What are all your delicious options when it comes to swapping out meat? Get an eye-opening take on the deal with meat substitutes — which ones are healthy and which are just highly processed junk food. And if you’ve ever said, “I don’t like tofu,” you’re in good hands because we’re giving you a complete rundown of all your options.
5. Ditch Dairy: Simple Swaps that are a Piece of (plant-based) Cake
Not sure how you’re going to live without cheese? Don’t worry, we’ll show you how you can find delicious substitutes that are lip-smackingly delicious. You’ll learn to pick no-fuss substitutions that are as yummy as they are great for your body. Get ready to kiss so much inflammation goodbye… most people don’t realize the toll dairy takes on their health until they experience this!
6. Pass the Grains, Please
In the last few decades, weight loss gurus have pushed the notion that grains — and their carbohydrates — are bad for you. The truth is our bodies and brains thrive on the good kind of carbs that are so important for metabolism, microbiome, mood, sleep, and more. Discover the grains to eat (and which to avoid) for healthy weight, cholesterol, and low inflammation — and start feeling better than ever.
7. Spilling the Beans, Lentils, and Peas
Want to know what the world’s longest-living people eat? It’s beans! These plant-based staples pack a powerful protein punch, along with antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins you can’t get from animal protein. We’ll show you the secret to cooking them perfectly, so you can reap the benefits and never have to worry about the notorious after-effects that give beans a bad rap!
8. How to Love Your Veggies
If you’re still on the fence about eating more vegetables because you (or a family member) don’t think they taste good, you’re in exactly the right place. You’ll get our 10 Tips for Picky Eaters that shares all the fun and exciting ways to prepare vegetables. Once you get ahold of our master list of sauces, dips, and dressings, you’ll be smiling as you use them on your delicious daily fix of greens!
9. Getting Saucy: 5 Reasons You Need Plant-Based Sauces (On Your Plate and in Your Belly)
Want to know how to make irresistible and nutritious plant-based meals that come together in minutes? Learn what seasoned plant-based pros know: it’s all about the sauce! Forget about night after night of boring vegan dinners. With these saucy tips, tricks, and recipes, you’ll be packing in the veggies and loving it — courtesy of the life-changing magic of sauces.
10. Everyday Staple Superfoods
Whoever said that plant-based eating was expensive never met these everyday superfoods that can slash the risk of cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Forget paying fifty bucks an ounce for some rare powder. We’ll give you the complete list of foods that you’ll want to keep in heavy rotation to feel your best — for a fraction of the cost.
11. The Plant-Powered Plate
The food pyramid you grew up with is outdated! It’s time to learn how to create a perfectly balanced meal that gives you all the nutrients you need to feel fantastic. Gone are the days when you don’t know how much of which type of food to eat — you’ll know the right proportions to keep your whole body happy.
12. Keep It Simple: Quick and Easy Plant-Based Meals and Snacks
Wondering how busy, on-the-go plant-based eaters do it? We’ll show you how to make gourmet-tasting meals that come together in minutes and give you our favorite energizing breakfast that has only five ingredients (or less). Plus, you’ll get ample options for healthy snacks that deeply satisfy without dragging you down.
13. Supplementation: Filling the Gaps
There will be no nutrient deficiencies on our watch! We’ll teach you how to get most of your vitamins and minerals from food, along with a primer on supplements you might want to consider. Got questions about iron, omega 3’s, and B12? We’ve got you covered with a list of supplements so you can quickly plug any gaps in your nutrition. You might be amazed at how you feel before and after.
14. How to Navigate Eating Out
Love dining out and eating with friends? We get it! We’ve been navigating these waters for decades and we’ll give you all the tricks so that you can enjoy your delicious meal right alongside everyone else. You’ll get Nichole’s seven tips for ordering at restaurants, how to sail through family events with ease, and witty ways to respond to questions from the oh-so-curious.
15. Build a Sustainable Game Plan
How can you keep your momentum going so you can reap all the rewards of a plant-based diet for many years to come? It’s not about doing it perfectly, but it’s crucial to get these tools and tips to set you light years beyond what most people know about plant-based eating. Prepare for many moments of “Oh, so THAT’S how it’s done!”
The Plant-Powered Playbook gives you scrumptious recipes to kick off a new culinary adventure (the easy way).

Simple Homemade Granola
This homemade granola is much healthier than most packaged stuff on the grocery store shelf. This recipe comes together in twenty minutes and features heart-healthy rolled oats plus antioxidant-packed nuts — almonds, pecans, walnuts, and pumpkin seeds — and a touch of maple syrup for sweetness.

Black Bean Street Tacos
In this easy weeknight recipe, layers of nutritious ingredients are piled high for a flavorful and healthy street taco. The star of the show is the black bean, a true superfood that’s high in protein, fiber, and nutrients, including iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. That’s a lot of nutrition packed into a little taco!

Chickpea Quinoa Salad
Chickpeas are among the plant-based protein all-stars. Bonus: they’re fiber-rich and super tasty, too! This recipe packs in plenty of delicious veggies, fresh herbs, gluten-free quinoa, and peppery arugula for a light, refreshing, and zingy salad experience — with 18 grams of protein per serving.

Cauliflower Cheese Sauce
If you’re worried that you cannot give up dairy cheese, we have a special treat for you! It’s creamy, flavorful, and chock-full of fiber — without saturated fat. Unlike dairy, which has zero fiber, this lip-smacking sauce can support a healthy gut, which in turn supports a healthy immune system. Enjoy this on top of tacos, as a pasta sauce, drizzled over your favorite steamed veggies, or even straight from a spoon.

Turmeric Tahini Sauce
Thanks to the tahini, this versatile sauce is slightly nutty, very creamy, and packed with vitamins and minerals. Turmeric adds just a bit of earthiness along with anti-inflammatory compounds, and lemon adds some zest and vitamin C. This nutrient-packed sauce just might become your new favorite addition to salads, grain bowls, and steamed veggies.

Lemon Coconut Chia Pudding
You won’t miss the dairy with this creamy plant-based pudding that tastes like a lemon coconut creamsicle! The chia seeds make this dish a terrific source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential nutrients that can sometimes be a challenge to get enough of since not many foods contain them. This yummy recipe makes it simple to get a healthy dose of fiber, protein, healthy fats, and phytonutrients any time of day.

Sweet Chili Tofu and Broccoli Stir Fry
Crispy baked tofu, tender broccoli, and chili sauce add a little sweetness with a kick to this oil-free stir-fry. Broccoli contains a powerful nutrient called sulforaphane, which has growing evidence showing its role in keeping your heart healthy.11 Tofu has plenty of nutrition thanks to its essential minerals like calcium, iron, and selenium. This satisfying dish comes together in a half hour!

Spiced Bulgur Pilaf
This easy and versatile pilaf is perfect with salads, as a side, or stuffed in a wrap. Cumin and cinnamon give this recipe a Moroccan twist, while nutty bulgur is packed with fiber, vitamin B6, and magnesium. The winning combo of whole grains, vegetables, and spices creates a comforting and nutritionally-packed recipe you’ll want to recreate regularly.

Everyday Lentil Lunch
Just about every ingredient in this recipe helps to keep inflammation at bay, from the turmeric to the garlic to the ginger to the veggies. Lentils are a gold mine of nutrition, fiber, and protein, which is why we advocate for a cup of these health-promoting legumes a day. This delicious dish comes together easily, has a variety of bright flavors, and is super satisfying.

Anti-Inflammatory Green Smoothie
The combination of greens, lemon, sweet pineapple, flax, and spicy ginger make this smoothie as good for you as it is tasty. Spinach is famous for iron, while fresh parsley is abundant in vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium, just to name a few. Flaxseed gives this smoothie a nuttiness while offering ample omega-3 fatty acids that show promising effects on heart health.12 This might become your go-to breakfast or pick-me-up!

Southwest Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are power-packed with carotenes and fiber and make the perfect vessel for loading up with even more wholesome nutrition. This recipe piles on protein-packed and phytonutrient-rich black bean and sweet corn medley, delightfully creamy avocado, and flavorful herbs and spices. To make it even more delicious, this savory filling is then topped with a delicious cashew cheese sauce. Dinner is served…

Carrot, Mushroom, and Spinach Stir-Fry
Bursting with color, flavor, texture, and nutrition, this dish is calling your name if you want a recipe that is restaurant-worthy yet simple to prepare. (Comes together in just about 20 minutes!) This dish is an easy way to get a daily dose of garlic and mushrooms, both immune system superstars.13,14

The Best Creamy and Crunchy Snack!
Want a snack that satisfies all of your crunchy, creamy, and dreamy snacking desires? This recipe is a soon-to-be favorite snack because of its flavor, texture, AND nutrition. Get probiotic goodness with each bite, plus leafy greens and whole grains (or seeds, depending on the cracker) to boot!

Kale Walnut Basil Pesto
Ready for what might just be the most nutritious pesto on the planet? The combination of kale, avocado, basil, garlic, and nutritional yeast makes this pesto super nourishing, and it’s even more elevated when you add omega-3-rich walnuts to it. Packed with folate, carotenoids, magnesium, and many more nutrients, this pesto is a welcomed addition to grain bowls, on whole-grain crackers, as a pasta sauce, or on top of avocado toast.

10-Minute Prep Chili
This recipe is an ideal go-to meal when you’re low on time but want something filling, satisfying, and bursting with flavor. Tempeh, black beans, salsa, and bell pepper mean each bite is packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. Enjoy it on its own, as a filling for organic whole-grain tortillas, or scooped up with your favorite sprouted chips. 10-Minute Prep Chili may seem too good to be true, but this hearty stew comes together in a snap!

More About What You’ll Discover
- The truth about how much protein we really need
- Health benefits of going plant-based
- Quick, easy recipes for plant-based beginners
- How going plant-based benefits the environment
- Tips for making positive changes
- How to shop plant-based
- Supplements to consider
- Tips for creating plant-based meal plans
- The best foods for maximum plant-based nutrition

- How to enjoy your favorite foods (meat and dairy-free!)
- Nutritional foundations of going plant-based
- How to order plant-based at restaurants
- Common substitutes and converting favorite recipes
- Tips for families and picky eaters
- Easy cooking tips for beginners and advanced cooks alike
- Potential nutritional gaps plant-based eaters need to know about
- Eating plant-based on-the-go
- Making healthy habits stick
We’ve brought in four of the top experts in plant-based eating to give you the foundations in a fraction of the time. These interviews were among the most popular ever conducted by two million-copy bestselling author John Robbins for Food Revolution Summits. They’re here to help you create a life you’re so obsessed with that going back to your old way of doing things never crosses your mind. You’ll learn the biggest dos and don’ts of nutrition that will open your eyes and save you from making big mistakes — and you’ll get audio files as well as PDF transcripts to download so you can revisit the content whenever you’d like. Get ready to build the life and the health of your dreams.

Bonus Session #1
Dean Ornish, MD
The Transformative Power of Lifestyle Medicine
Join in to hear insights from Dr. Ornish’s 40+ years of pioneering lifestyle medicine and learn how to prevent and reverse chronic disease.

Bonus Session #2
Michael Klaper, MD
The Science of Nutrition
Dr. Klaper will help you separate nutritional facts from fiction and will show how to use food as medicine to help you thrive.

Bonus Session #3
Haile Thomas
Living Lively Through the Power of Plants
Learn how healthy eating can unlock your innate potential to live a bountiful, meaningful, and compassionate life.

Bonus Session #4
Brenda Davis, RD
What You Must Know About Nutrition
Find out about the top mistakes that many “healthy eaters” make and about the top nutrients you need to pay attention to so you can ensure your body has all that it needs to thrive.
Ready Now? Join Us!
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Enroll in the groundbreaking Plant-Powered Playbook
Your Price: $197
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You’re Protected By Our 60-Day, Unconditional, Money-Back Guarantee.
Try it out. If you aren't completely blown away by the course, even if you just don’t like it, just email us at [email protected] any time within 60 days of purchase to ask for a prompt and courteous refund. This means you can even take the whole course, take every lesson, and make every single mouth-watering recipe, and if it doesn’t rock your world, you get every penny back. That’s how confident we are that you’ll LOVE the Plant-Powered Playbook!
PLUS, if for any reason you request a refund, the entire Playbook and everything that you’ve downloaded is still yours to keep. That’s why we call our guarantee “better than money back.”
A Recap of What You’ll Get

- The 60-Page Plant-Powered Playbook
- 15 Video Tutorials
- 8 Kitchen Demos
- 15 Plant-Based Recipes
- Printable Shopping List
- Plant-Based Meal Prep Guide
- Links to Scientific Journals and Blog Articles
- Bonus! 4 Interviews With Plant-Based Lifestyle Experts
- BONUS SESSION #1 – Dean Ornish, MD:
The Transformative Power of Lifestyle Medicine - BONUS SESSION #2 – Michael Klaper, MD:
The Science of Nutrition - BONUS SESSION #3 – Haile Thomas:
Living Lively Through the Power of Plants - BONUS SESSION #4 – Brenda Davis, RD:
What You Must Know About Nutrition
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take to go through the Plant-Powered Playbook?
You’ll get access to the entire Plant-Powered Playbook the moment you enroll. You can go through the entire Playbook in one evening or take your time to absorb it. We’ll send you a quick email every day for the first 15 days, with fresh reminders of the “plays” and what they can do for you. You can use as many or as few as you like. Anyone could totally change your life! Each of the 15 Plays takes an easy 10 to 15 minutes.
What’s the format of the Plant-Powered Playbook?
The Plant-Powered Playbook is a downloadable PDF for a zero-waste experience. It’s also easy to print if that’s something you want to do. Each Play includes a lesson, along with a short video that you can access with any smartphone. There’s no course to log into, no passwords to remember, and no shipping to worry about. It’s all right there for you in one place — instantly.
What if I don’t want to go 100% plant-based?
All are welcome here! We encourage you not to make the perfect into the enemy of the good. Every plant-based bite can move you closer to health (for you and the planet). The most important thing is to get the solid foundation you need to start making better choices. If you want to give yourself a cushy start where you have everything you need to eat well starting today, then you’re going to fall in love with the Plant-Powered Playbook.
Will I be able to save money eating a plant-based diet?
Many people are able to save money on their grocery bills with the principles we teach. There are no expensive superfoods you need to buy. If you cook just one or two more meals at home this month, the Plant-Powered Playbook will pay for itself in no time, making this a great investment. Plus, think of how much you might save on medical care down the road when you eat food that’s healthier for you!
Is it going to be difficult for me to find the ingredients I need?
The staple foods you’ll learn about in the Plant-Powered Playbook are readily available in most grocery stores or easily available online. And there are easy substitution recommendations for allergens, too!
Ready to make a difference for your health, animals, and the planet?
Join Now!
Enroll in the groundbreaking Plant-Powered Playbook
Your Price: $197
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our 60-day money back guarantee.
- [1]
Orlich MJ, Singh PN, Sabaté J, et al. Vegetarian dietary patterns and mortality in Adventist Health Study 2. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Jul 8;173(13):1230–8. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.6473.
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Rosell M, Appleby P, Spencer E, Key T. Weight gain over 5 years in 21,966 meat-eating, fish-eating, vegetarian, and vegan men and women in EPIC-Oxford. Int J Obes (Lond) 2006 Sep;30(9):1389–96. doi: 10.1038/sj.ijo.0803305.
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Ferdowsian HR, Barnard ND. Effects of plant-based diets on plasma lipids. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Oct 1;104(7):947–56. doi: 10.1016/j.amjcard.2009.05.032.
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